The I Promise Project supports Community Legal Aid's mission by breaking the cycle of generational poverty for underestimated youth. In partnership with The LeBron James Family Foundation, project staff provide holistic legal services to improve educational and social outcomes for students and families of LeBron James’ I Promise Family. Project staff also work on public policy matters to address racial disparities in education, end the school-to-prison pipeline, and expand the I Promise model to other communities.

A partnership with Akron Public Schools and the LeBron James Family Foundation to help I Promise families with their legal needs so their children will be better equipped to succeed in school.

How does I Promise work?

We know that a child can only be successful in school when other aspects of their life are under control.

Our mission is to advocate for families on the other things that impact children's ability to learn, including:

  • Safe and stable housing
  • Financial freedom
  • Safety from domestic violence
  • Employability
  • Family stability

We provide legal advice, information, and representation for those who qualify for our help.

How can I get help?

If you need legal help and your child is part of the I Promise Program through Akron Public Schools and the LeBron James Family Foundation, stop by the Family Resource Center at the I Promise School (400 West Market Street, Akron, OH) to see our attorneys.